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React-based plugins are using Lexical editor instance from <LexicalComposer> context:

<LexicalComposer initialConfig={initialConfig}>
contentEditable={<ContentEditable />}
placeholder={<div>Enter some text...</div>}
<HistoryPlugin />
<OnChangePlugin onChange={onChange} />


React wrapper for @lexical/plain-text that adds major features for plain text editing, including typing, deletion and copy/pasting

contentEditable={<ContentEditable />}
placeholder={<div>Enter some text...</div>}


React wrapper for @lexical/rich-text that adds major features for rich text editing, including typing, deletion, copy/pasting, indent/outdent and bold/italic/underline/strikethrough text formatting

contentEditable={<ContentEditable />}
placeholder={<div>Enter some text...</div>}


Plugin that calls onChange whenever Lexical state is updated. Using ignoreInitialChange (true by default) and ignoreSelectionChange (false by default) can give more granular control over changes that are causing onChange call

<OnChangePlugin onChange={onChange} />


React wrapper for @lexical/history that adds support for history stack management and undo / redo commands

<HistoryPlugin />


React wrapper for @lexical/link that adds support for links, including toggleLink command support that toggles link for selected text

<LinkPlugin />


React wrapper for @lexical/list that adds support for lists (ordered and unordered)

<ListPlugin />


React wrapper for @lexical/list that adds support for check lists. Note that it requires some css to render check/uncheck marks. See PlaygroundEditorTheme.css for details.

<CheckListPlugin />


React wrapper for @lexical/table that adds support for tables

<TablePlugin />


Plugin will convert text into links based on passed matchers list. In example below whenever user types url-like string it will automaticaly convert it into a link node


const MATCHERS = [
(text) => {
const match = URL_MATCHER.exec(text);
return (
match && {
index: match.index,
length: match[0].length,
text: match[0],
url: match[0],


<AutoLinkPlugin matchers=[MATCHERS] />


Lexical auto-scrolls its contenteditable container while typing. This plugin can be used for cases when other element up in a DOM tree needs to be scrolled (e.g. when editor is rendered within dialog with limited height):

<div ref={containerWithScrollRef}>
<AutoScrollPlugin scrollRef={containerWithScrollRef} />


Adds clearEditor command support to clear editor's content


Adds markdown shortcut support: headings, lists, code blocks, quotes, links and inline styles (bold, italic, strikethrough)


This plugin allows you to navigate to certain sections of the page by clicking on headings that exist inside these sections. Once you load the plugin, it automatically collects and injects the headings of the page inside the table of contents, then it listens to any deletions or modifications to those headings and updates the table of contents. Additionally, it's able to track any newly added headings and inserts them in the table of contents once they are created. This plugin also supports lazy loading - so you can defer adding the plugin until when the user needs it.

<TableOfContentsPlugin />

You can alternatively leverage the use of LexicalTableOfContents__EXPERIMENTAL API, which provides you with all the functioanlity that TableOfContentsPlugin provides, but without any styling. In order to use LexicalTableOfContents__EXPERIMENTAL, you need to pass a callback function in its children. This callback function gives you access to the up-to-date data of the table of contents. You can access this data through a single parameter for the callback which comes in the form of an array of arrays [[headingKey, headingTextContent, headingTag], [], [], ...] headingKey: Unique key that identifies the heading.headingTextContent: A string of the exact text of the heading.headingTag: A string that reads either 'h1', 'h2', or 'h3'.

{(tableOfContentsArray) => {
return <MyCustomTableOfContetsPlugin tableOfContents={tableOfContentsArray} />;